Fansubbing In Anime: The Origins In Japanese Animation
Anime fandom and Japanese animation in general has changed quite a bit since I first got into it in the early 2000s, let alone the late 1990s when the first online fansubbing groups emerged....
Anime fandom and Japanese animation in general has changed quite a bit since I first got into it in the early 2000s, let alone the late 1990s when the first online fansubbing groups emerged....
Anime really stands out. But because anime is so easy to watch and get access to, it overshadows some other forms of creative media which, in my opinion, can be much more interesting than animated...
Have you thought about where magic circle in anime come from? Or why there are anime with magic? Chances are you haven’t, and neither did I before looking into it. Your first thought may...
Considering the many anime character types, the true meaning of tsundere often gets lost and we’re left wondering – what’s really a tsundere? What is the definition of tsundere? Well, you can check out...