Rainhoe | Face Reveal, Age, Height & More
Rainhoe has been popping off lately as a VTuber. With her popularity at its peak, many of her fans want to get to know her better on a more personal level.
Today, we are here to answer all the questions that her fans might have in their minds. Has she done a face reveal? What’s Rainhoe’s age? And what’s her height? In this article, we’ll reveal any known facts about her that her fans might want to know, so read on!
Table of contents

Who Is Rainhoe?
Rainhoe is a famous VTuber from the Netherlands. According to her debut stream, she’s a demon girl trapped in space. She’s a bit clumsy and trips over things in her way, which explains all the bandaids all over her body.
Also, for some reason, Rainhoe is pretty obsessed with stealing her fans’ moms, so you better be prepared for that before you end up falling in love with her chaotic personality!
Currently, she has over 68K followers on her Twitter account (I think she needs our help making that number 69, so go on and follow her on Twitter! KEKW!). Her Twitch account, on the other hand, has 126K followers, a sharp increase from 100K in August 2022.
On her YouTube channel, she currently has over 63K subscribers. Rainhoe doesn’t really stream on YouTube, as she’s primarily active on her Twitch channel, which might explain the lower subscriber count on her YouTube channel. She uses her YouTube channel to post highlights from her streams and share gameplays of online crane games, Little Nightmares, and Valorant, as well as collaborations with other streamers.
Rainhoe made her Twitch debut back in September 2021, where she weirdly talked a lot about stealing her viewers’ moms. She’s pretty chaotic, to say the least.
Rainhoe’s Rise To Fame
Rainhoe rose to fame due to being close friends with Connor or CDawgVA. They collaborate very frequently, and the chemistry between both is on point.
Connor even helped her in her debut stream, and his mods moderated her first stream chat. They often engage in fun banter. In one of her streams, she had to post a really thirsty tweet tagging Connor as a result of losing a challenge with her chat.

This banter and chemistry between both is the primary reason for Rainhoe’s growth, and she confesses to that herself in the following video.
Family Members
In two of her streams, Rainhoe jokes around with her brother. She seems like a fun sister to have in both of those streams. You can watch the highlights here:
Besides her brother, we don’t have any other information about her family.
Rainhoe Face Reveal
Although she hasn’t really done an official face reveal yet, after a bit of digging, we were able to find the following alleged photo of her:

Looking at her picture, I think I am not alone when I say she’s really pretty! She does look just like her VTuber model.
Officially, she tweeted the following picture of her with another person.

Andddd, of course, it’s captioned “Your Mom.” I can’t put my finger on why she’s so obsessed with people’s moms! Anyhow, judging by the looks of her hand, I think the person in both of the pictures is the same. Hmm… So that might really be Rainhoe! I don’t know about you guys, but I am an even bigger fan now! Hey! Don’t you call me a simp! Alright! I might be a simp, but you guys are an even bigger simp than me. Searching for Rainhoe’s face doesn’t really make you a GigaChad, either! KEKW!
Rainhoe’s Age
Although she hasn’t revealed her age, looking at her face reveal photos, she doesn’t look a day over 21! She did tell us about her birthday, which is on October 5, so note it down and remember to wish her a happy birthday!
Rainhoe’s Height
According to her debut stream, she’s 5’4″ or 162.56 cm tall. She doesn’t really like to be called short and is ready to dropkick you if you call her that. I know that might be kink for many of you guys, but a dropkick with those heels would hurt a lot more than you’d like to, so avoid calling her short at any cost!
Her VTuber Model
Skullara illustrated Rainhoe’s VTuber model while Mikoscrub modeled it. They both did a pretty good job, especially Mikoscrub as her VTuber model has some of the best physics.

Rainhoe’s Hobbies
Besides VTubing, she has the following hobbies:
- Video games: She likes to play APEX, CS:GO, Valorant, League of Legends, Monster Hunter, Dead by Daylight, Terraria, Phasmophobia, and some VR games.
- Anime: She’s a weeb, just like most of us, and the anime she enjoys are Jujutsu Kaisen, The Rise of the Shield Hero, So I’m a Spider so What, Attack on Titan, and basically any Rom-Com genre anime.
- Drawing: She also likes to draw, but that’s something she does on and off. She drew her Twitch herself, so yeah, she’s talented!
- Consuming a lot of caffeine: Rainhoe likes to test her limits with how much caffeine she can consume daily. She jokingly says she might have a heart attack due to high caffeine consumption, so her chat needs to be ready to call 911.
- Ringfit: As we can see from her face reveal photos, she’s really fit. She likes to be in shape and feels like she owes herself to do a 10-minute ringfit daily.
- Reenacting musicals: Rainhoe likes to reenact musicals, but she only does that in private and lets no one witness it. She feels like she’s a geek when it comes to musicals.
Wrapping It Up
Rainhoe is a perfect example of how a person succeeds if they are dedicated and committed enough to any arena of their life. With the right collaborations, hard work, and proper mindset, Rainhoe has seen viral growth within a year of her debut.
In this article, we revealed her face, some interesting facts, and her hobbies to her fans. We hope that you liked it, and stay tuned for more!
Yes, she has. On her official Twitter account, she did a partial face reveal. However, after a little bit of digging, we were able to find her real face photo.
Although she hasn’t officially revealed her age yet, looking at her photo, she doesn’t look older than 21.
In her official debut stream, Rainhoe revealed that she’s 5’4″ or 162.56 cm tall.
According to some estimates, she is currently worth $150,000.